Tuesday 10 February 2015

Joining Together

All 75 of us gathered together to create the ending of our Cabinet of Curiosities piece. As all three classes have taken on a more physical based response our teachers decided that the ending should also be physical. To get us into the zone we started to explore each other’s bodies in pairs, we explored special proximity, touch and sensations which got us to give of natural emotions and responses. While we were working in pairs we were all very physically and mentally free. This was interesting as we were never sure of what was going to happen or where we would end up it was just pure natural response to each other’s movements.

We were then asked to physicalise in pairs ‘what was the last thing that make you laugh’ I didn’t think of a particular thing that made me laugh but I immediately began to open my mind to my surroundings, seeing what other people were doing made me laugh making me bounce and feed of other peoples emotions and movements. This also brought about the natural emotion of laughter. I found physically responding to questions a very insightful task and personally felt more honest and free with my answers than I would have if I just vocalised it.

After doing partner and smaller group based work we joined together , we were then told to physicalise responses to a word or sentence that was said. Our first word was ‘sunset’ I think everyone had a similar idea of what a sunset was as immediately there where loads of arms reaching up towards the sky with spread fingers that started to slowly move down towards the floor.  This was really interesting as not only were we physically responding to and with other people but we all seemed to be in the same mental headspace.

When we responded to ‘Ocean Waves’ we included vocal sounds such as whooshing and crashing noises, as well as making the same slow but violent halt movement. This was just a visual experiment to test out endings. We moved on to more questions rather than words, particular people were asked to stand up and independently respond to a question, this was inspired by Tim Etchells Quizoola, where actors were asked spontaneous questions by audience members and instinctively responded whether that be a funny, jokey or a serious response.


One of the questions  ’what is greed’ was asked of Ella, she started to make grabbing movements and started to stare at her hands, we all independently but as a group started to do varied versions of the same movements together using different levels. Sometimes with the individual responses, they would end up resulting in clumpy similar movements and for that I did not think it was as visually interesting or enjoyable as the responding to words or sentences as a group was.

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