Tuesday 3 February 2015

Sounds and Lights

In this week’s lesson we continued to add more to our class piece we particularly focused on working with lights and sound. This was used in the Hold On piece which is based on mother and son relationships, our baby in the womb piece and our Childs play piece. In all three of these parts we use light to represent innocence and new life. In the hold on part of our group piece the sons turn their lights of and the mothers keep theirs on this is to show the desperation mothers have to keep that light with them and how reluctant they are to imagine life without that light in it. I really like the use of the light here as I think it responds really well to the Nature and Nurture theme and works really well with the material we have already for our class piece.

The music that we use for the hold on part motivates our performance; it is a lot like what we were doing in the first couple of lessons, when we were pushing ourselves to extreme limits in response to objectives and music. The mothers and the sons are both trying to reach those objectives and the music is helping to push us to meet those objectives through the loudness of the music to the strong and heavy beat of the music. The music in the womb and Childs play part is a lot more magical and light, it is reflective of what we are trying to portray which is magic and innocence. I really like the music aspect of our piece thus far.

We had to devise two small pieces to go into our overall class piece this lesson. One of the pieces was based on the synopsis of growing up, this piece was made by two groups (half and half of the class) my group decided to pick Will as the person who would be growing up , we played with levels, and themes of growing up such as comfort, love, neglect and independence. Kim wrote a poem that she read out while we were performing what we had made, and it was really nice to see how nicely the poem and our devised piece worked together, there was a part in poem where she said ‘ fire burns and dogs may bite’  and it corresponded really nicely with a particular part in our piece as we were physically showing hate and anger towards Will, so that worked really nicely.

The second piece that we had to devise was a small piece based on the stimulus of a picture. The picture we responded to was of a woman being helped by a man after the 7/7 attacks.

 The music that was played was a mix of people speaking about different events that had happened such as a news reporter talking about 7/7 and a news reporter talking about GCSE results mixed with quite a sad, slow paced piece of background music. This created a heavy sad atmosphere in the room that helped create our piece as we were able to feed of the natural emotions we where feelings.  Our small devised piece responded to Nature/ Nurture in a positive and negative way as although in the beginning you see Mateus and I going in as bombers, you see the aftermath of people helping and saving others around them.

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